Shipping methods

The delivery of the items takes place via Postal Service. Origin Russia shipping. The shipping cost is automatically calculated by the system based on the weight of the goods purchased and the delivery address and is added to the amount of products chosen at the time of payment and starts from € 5. International shipping may involve additional customs costs, taxes, etc. which are not calculated in the total. Any customs fees will be charged to the recipient.
We deliver all over the world. Shipping times about 13-90 working days from the order. The package is shipped within 4 days after payment (For products on order, times increase). Shipments travel at the buyer's exclusive risk.

Shipping with Russian Post, EMS, CDEK

The customer is required to indicate the correct address for shipping. If the address is incorrectly stated, we are not obliged to return the ordered material to the correct address at our expense. It will be possible to return the parcel to the correct address by counting an extra-cost charged to the recipient. In the absence of the recipient, the postman leaves a notice and then the package is deposited at the post office closest to your home. In this case the customer will have to pass to collect the package within 10 working days, after these days the package is sent back to our company. We kindly inform our customers that we do not assume any responsibility in case of non-delivery, delay or damage by couriers.
The customer therefore accepts that the delayed delivery does not constitute a non-compliance with the stipulated agreement, and does not give the customer the right to cancel the order. Furthermore we assume no liability for loss or damage resulting from lost, stolen or damaged items after delivery has been made.


Online payment by credit and debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Postepay, Visa Electron) or PAYPAL to pay the order amount online in just a few clicks and in total security.
Are you waiting to receive an order but don't know where it is? You can track the shipment of your products in a simple way: log in from the shop page and enter your personal area: in the "Orders" section, open the order, click on the id (number) of the order, down at the bottom of the page there will be the tracking number. Enter the tracking number on the website.


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